
Custom Plugins

This documentation is for the preview version of the Dev Portal. If you are not part of the preview program, please refer to the current Dev Portal docs.

Dev Portal is highly extensible. You can create custom plugins to add new functionality to your documentation site. This guide will show you how to create and use plugins in your Dev Portal configuration.

Plugin Types

All plugins in Dev Portal must implement the ZudokuPlugin type, which is a union of these plugin interfaces:

  • CommonPlugin: Basic plugin with initialization, head elements, and MDX component customization
  • ProfileMenuPlugin: Add custom items to the profile menu
  • NavigationPlugin: Define custom routes and sidebar items
  • ApiIdentityPlugin: Provide API identities for testing
  • SearchProviderPlugin: Implement custom search functionality
  • EventConsumerPlugin: Handle custom events

You can find all available plugin interfaces in the Dev Portal source code.

Defining Plugins

You can define plugins in your Dev Portal configuration using objects with explicit type declarations:

Common Plugin Example

import { ZudokuPlugin } from "zudoku";

const commonPlugin: ZudokuPlugin = {
  initialize: async (context) => {
    // Initialization logic
  getHead: () => <link rel="stylesheet" href="/custom-styles.css" />,
  getMdxComponents: () => ({
    // Custom MDX components

const config: ZudokuConfig = {
  // ... other config
  plugins: [commonPlugin],

API Identity Plugin Example

import { ZudokuPlugin, ApiIdentity } from "zudoku";

const apiIdentityPlugin: ZudokuPlugin = {
  getIdentities: async (context) => {
    return [
        label: "Test User",
        id: "test-user",
        authorizeRequest: (request: Request) => {
          request.headers.set("Authorization", "Bearer test-token");
          return request;
    ] as ApiIdentity[];

// In your zudoku.config.tsx
const config: ZudokuConfig = {
  // ... other config
  plugins: [apiIdentityPlugin],

Example Implementations

Here are some common plugin implementations:

import { ZudokuPlugin, RouteObject } from "zudoku";

const navigationPlugin: ZudokuPlugin = {
  getRoutes: (): RouteObject[] => {
    return [
        path: "/custom",
        element: <CustomPage />,
  getSidebar: async (path: string) => {
    // Return custom sidebar items
    return {
      items: [{ id: "custom", label: "Custom Page" }],

Event Consumer Plugin

import { ZudokuPlugin } from "zudoku";

const eventConsumerPlugin: ZudokuPlugin = {
  events: {
    location: ({ from, to }) => {
      if (!from) {
        console.log(`Initial navigation to: ${to.pathname}`);
      } else {
        console.log(`Navigation from ${from.pathname} to ${to.pathname}`);