

This documentation is for the preview version of the Dev Portal. If you are not part of the preview program, please refer to the current Dev Portal docs.

Dev Portal provides an events system that allows plugins to react to various application events. This system enables you to build dynamic features that respond to user interactions and application state changes.

Available Events

Currently, Dev Portal supports the following events:


type LocationEvent = (e: { from?: Location; to: Location }) => void;

Emitted when the user navigates to a different route. Provides both the previous (from) and current (to) Location objects from react-router.

Note that the from location will be undefined on the initial page load.

Consuming Events in Plugins

To consume events in your plugin, you can implement the events property in your plugin. This is useful for performing actions like sending analytics events or anything else that's not directly related to the UI.

import { ZudokuPlugin, ZudokuEvents } from "zudoku";

const navigationLoggerPlugin: ZudokuPlugin = {
  events: {
    location: ({ from, to }) => {
      if (!from) {
        console.log(`Initial navigation to: ${to.pathname}`);
      } else {
        console.log(`User navigated from: ${from.pathname} to: ${to.pathname}`);

Example in Dev Portal Config

In your zudoku.config.ts, you can define the events like this:

export default {
  plugins: [
      events: {
        location: ({ from, to }) => {
          if (!from) return;

          // E.g. send an analytics event
            from: from.pathname,
            to: to.pathname,

Using Events in Components

Dev Portal provides a convenient useEvent hook to subscribe to events in your React components. The hook can be used in three different ways:

1. Getting the Latest Event Data

If you just want to access the latest event data without a callback:

import { useEvent } from "zudoku/hooks";

function MyComponent() {
  const locationEvent = useEvent("location");
  return <div>Current path: {locationEvent?.to.pathname}</div>;

2. Using Event Data in a Component

If you want to transform the event data, return a value from the callback:

import { useEvent } from "zudoku/hooks";

function MyComponent() {
  const pathname = useEvent("location", ({ to }) => to.pathname);
  return <div>Current path: {pathname}</div>;

3. Using a Callback for Side Effects

If you just want to perform side effects when the event occurs:

import { useEvent } from "zudoku/hooks";

function MyComponent() {
  useEvent("location", ({ from, to }) => {
    if (from) {
      console.log(`Navigation: ${from.pathname} → ${to.pathname}`);
    // No return value needed for side effects

  return <div>My Component</div>;

The useEvent hook automatically handles subscription and cleanup in the React lifecycle, making it easy to work with events in your components.