
#The Zuplo Developer API, powered by Zuplo

Welcome to ZAPI - the Zuplo API where you can manage API keys, tunnels and more. To get your API key for this service login to portal.zuplo.com and navigate to your project Settings > Zuplo API Keys.

API Keys


Set of operations available to handle deployments. You can learn more about deployments here.

#Gets a deployment status

Gets the deployment status of your upload. Use the UUID of the uploaded sources as the statusId.

#path Parameters

  • accountNamerequiredstring

    The name of the account. You can find this in your Zuplo Portal under Settings > Project Information.

  • projectNamerequiredstring

    The name of the project. You can find this in your Zuplo Portal under Settings > Project Information.

  • statusIdrequiredstring

    The UUID of the uploaded sources.


  • Authorizationrequiredstring

    The Authorization header is used to authenticate with the API using your API key. Value is of the format Bearer YOUR_KEY_HERE.


    • statusstring
    • urlstring
    • stepsobject
    • buildResultobject

#Lists deployments

Lists the deployments for the specified account and project.

#path Parameters

  • accountNamerequiredstring

    The name of the account. You can find this in your Zuplo Portal under Settings > Project Information.

  • projectNamerequiredstring

    The name of the project. You can find this in your Zuplo Portal under Settings > Project Information.


  • Authorizationrequiredstring

    The Authorization header is used to authenticate with the API using your API key. Value is of the format Bearer YOUR_KEY_HERE.


    • dataobject[]

#Upload deployment source

Creates a URL for uploading sources.


  • Authorizationrequiredstring

    The Authorization header is used to authenticate with the API using your API key. Value is of the format Bearer YOUR_KEY_HERE.

#Request Body

  • accountNamestring

    The name of the account

  • projectNamestring

    The name of the project

  • branchNamestring

    The name of the branch for deployment


    • uploadUrlstring

#Get a deployment

Gets the specified deployment.

#path Parameters

  • deploymentNamerequiredstring

    The name of the deployment. You can find this in the Zuplo Portal under Settings > Environments.


  • Authorizationrequiredstring

    The Authorization header is used to authenticate with the API using your API key. Value is of the format Bearer YOUR_KEY_HERE.


    • namestring

      The name of the deployment. You can find this in the Zuplo Portal under Settings > Environments.

    • urlstring
    • labelstring
    • urlParameterstring
    • createdOnstring
    • updatedOnstring
    • loggingIdstring
    • accountNamestring
    • projectNamestring
    • statestring
    • messagestring
    • branchNamestring
    • environmentTypestring

#Deletes a deployment

Deletes the specified deployment.

#path Parameters

  • deploymentNamerequiredstring

    The name of the deployment. You can find this in the Zuplo Portal under Settings > Environments.


  • Authorizationrequiredstring

    The Authorization header is used to authenticate with the API using your API key. Value is of the format Bearer YOUR_KEY_HERE.


    No response specified

#Re-deploy a deployment

Re-deploys the specified deployment so that it can pick up new environment variables or other configuration changes.

#path Parameters

  • deploymentNamerequiredstring

    The name of the deployment. You can find this in the Zuplo Portal under Settings > Environments.


  • Authorizationrequiredstring

    The Authorization header is used to authenticate with the API using your API key. Value is of the format Bearer YOUR_KEY_HERE.


    • statusstring

List of endpoints available to perform operations on Tunnels.

#Lists tunnels

Lists all tunnels belonging to this account.

#path Parameters

  • accountNamerequiredstring

    The name of the account. You can find this in your Zuplo Portal under Settings > Project Information.


  • Authorizationrequiredstring

    The Authorization header is used to authenticate with the API using your API key. Value is of the format Bearer YOUR_KEY_HERE.


    • dataobject[]
    • limitintegeroptional
    • offsetintegeroptional
    • totalintegeroptional

#Creates a tunnel

Creates a new tunnel for this account.

#path Parameters

  • accountNamerequiredstring

    The name of the account. You can find this in your Zuplo Portal under Settings > Project Information.


  • Authorizationrequiredstring

    The Authorization header is used to authenticate with the API using your API key. Value is of the format Bearer YOUR_KEY_HERE.

#Request Body

  • idstring
  • namestring

    A friendly name for the tunnel.

  • tokenstring

    Set your TUNNEL_TOKEN to this value to connect to the tunnel.


    • idstring
    • namestring

      A friendly name for the tunnel.

    • tokenstring

      Set your TUNNEL_TOKEN to this value to connect to the tunnel.

#Gets a tunnel

Returns the details for a tunnel, including the token used to connect to the tunnel.

#path Parameters

  • accountNamerequiredstring

    The name of the account. You can find this in your Zuplo Portal under Settings > Project Information.

  • tunnelIdrequiredstring

    The ID of the tunnel.


  • Authorizationrequiredstring

    The Authorization header is used to authenticate with the API using your API key. Value is of the format Bearer YOUR_KEY_HERE.


    • idstring
    • namestring

      A friendly name for the tunnel.

    • tokenstring

      Set your TUNNEL_TOKEN to this value to connect to the tunnel.

#Deletes a tunnel

Deletes a tunnel and any services that it has.

#path Parameters

  • accountNamerequiredstring

    The name of the account. You can find this in your Zuplo Portal under Settings > Project Information.

  • tunnelIdrequiredstring

    The ID of the tunnel.


  • Authorizationrequiredstring

    The Authorization header is used to authenticate with the API using your API key. Value is of the format Bearer YOUR_KEY_HERE.


    • idstring
    • statusstring
    • messagestringoptional
    • detailsstringoptional

#Rotates the token

Rotates the token used to connect to the tunnel.

#path Parameters

  • accountNamerequiredstring

    The name of the account. You can find this in your Zuplo Portal under Settings > Project Information.

  • tunnelIdrequiredstring

    The ID of the tunnel.


  • Authorizationrequiredstring

    The Authorization header is used to authenticate with the API using your API key. Value is of the format Bearer YOUR_KEY_HERE.


    • idstring
    • namestring

      A friendly name for the tunnel.

    • tokenstring

      Set your TUNNEL_TOKEN to this value to connect to the tunnel.

#Gets a teardown status

This endpoint returns the status of the deletion of the tunnel. Tearing down the tunnel is an asynchronous process so this endpoint allows you to poll the status.

#path Parameters

  • accountNamerequiredstring

    The name of the account. You can find this in your Zuplo Portal under Settings > Project Information.

  • tunnelIdrequiredstring

    The ID of the tunnel.

  • operationIdrequiredstring

    The ID of the deletion operation.


  • Authorizationrequiredstring

    The Authorization header is used to authenticate with the API using your API key. Value is of the format Bearer YOUR_KEY_HERE.


    • idstring
    • statusstring
    • messagestringoptional
    • detailsstringoptional
Tunnel Services

List of endpoints available to manage services for a given tunnel.

#Gets a provisioning status

This endpoint returns the status of the services that the tunnel is currently configured for. Provisioning the services is an asynchronous process so this endpoint allows you to poll the status.

#path Parameters

  • accountNamerequiredstring

    The name of the account. You can find this in your Zuplo Portal under Settings > Project Information.

  • tunnelIdrequiredstring

    The ID of the tunnel.

  • operationIdrequiredstring

    The ID of the operation.


  • Authorizationrequiredstring

    The Authorization header is used to authenticate with the API using your API key. Value is of the format Bearer YOUR_KEY_HERE.


    • idstring
    • statusstring
    • messagestringoptional
    • detailsstringoptional

#Gets a service configuration

This endpoint returns a snapshot of the services that the tunnel is currently configured for.

#path Parameters

  • accountNamerequiredstring

    The name of the account. You can find this in your Zuplo Portal under Settings > Project Information.

  • tunnelIdrequiredstring

    The ID of the tunnel.


  • Authorizationrequiredstring

    The Authorization header is used to authenticate with the API using your API key. Value is of the format Bearer YOUR_KEY_HERE.


    • versioninteger

      The version of this configuration format.

    • servicesobject[]

      A list of services that the tunnel will connect to.

#Configures tunnel services

This endpoint reads the request body and creates/updates/delete the services that the tunnel connects to.

#path Parameters

  • accountNamerequiredstring

    The name of the account. You can find this in your Zuplo Portal under Settings > Project Information.

  • tunnelIdrequiredstring

    The ID of the tunnel.


  • Authorizationrequiredstring

    The Authorization header is used to authenticate with the API using your API key. Value is of the format Bearer YOUR_KEY_HERE.

#Request Body

  • versioninteger

    The version of this configuration format.

  • servicesobject[]

    A list of services that the tunnel will connect to.


    • idstring
    • statusstring
    • messagestringoptional
    • detailsstringoptional

Set of operations available to create and update environment variables. You can learn more about environment variables here.

#Creates a variable

Creates a new environment variable in a branch for a given project.

#path Parameters

  • accountNamerequiredstring

    The name of the account. You can find this in your Zuplo Portal under Settings > Project Information.

  • projectNamerequiredstring

    The name of the project. You can find this in your Zuplo Portal under Settings > Project Information.

  • branchNamerequiredstring

    The name of the branch in your source control provider.


  • Authorizationrequiredstring

    The Authorization header is used to authenticate with the API using your API key. Value is of the format Bearer YOUR_KEY_HERE.

#Request Body

  • namestring

    The name of the variable. Must be named in SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE.

  • isSecretboolean

    Whether the variable is a secret.

  • valuestring

    The value of the variable.


    • branchstring
    • createdOnstring

      When the item was created.

    • updatedOnstring

      When the item was last updated.

    • namestring

      The name of the variable. Must be named in SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE.

    • isSecretboolean

      Whether the variable is a secret.

    • valuestring

      The value of the variable.

#Updates a variable

Update the value of a variable in a branch for a given project.

#path Parameters

  • accountNamerequiredstring

    The name of the account. You can find this in your Zuplo Portal under Settings > Project Information.

  • projectNamerequiredstring

    The name of the project. You can find this in your Zuplo Portal under Settings > Project Information.

  • branchNamerequiredstring

    The name of the branch in your source control provider.

  • variableNamerequiredstring

    The name of the environment variable.


  • Authorizationrequiredstring

    The Authorization header is used to authenticate with the API using your API key. Value is of the format Bearer YOUR_KEY_HERE.

#Request Body

  • valuestringoptional

    The value of the variable.


    • branchstring
    • createdOnstring

      When the item was created.

    • updatedOnstring

      When the item was last updated.

    • namestring

      The name of the variable. Must be named in SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE.

    • isSecretboolean

      Whether the variable is a secret.

    • valuestring

      The value of the variable.

API Keys - Buckets

A Bucket is an object representing a group of API key consumers for a given account. This section includes a group of endpoints available to perform CRUD operations on a bucket. You can learn more about buckets here.

#Lists buckets

Lists all buckets belonging to this account.

#path Parameters

  • accountNamerequiredstring

    The name of the account. You can find this in your Zuplo Portal under Settings > Project Information.


  • Authorizationrequiredstring

    The Authorization header is used to authenticate with the API using your API key. Value is of the format Bearer YOUR_KEY_HERE.


    • dataobject[]
    • limitintegeroptional
    • offsetintegeroptional
    • totalintegeroptional

#Creates a bucket

Creates a new bucket for this account.

#path Parameters

  • accountNamerequiredstring

    The name of the account. You can find this in your Zuplo Portal under Settings > Project Information.


  • Authorizationrequiredstring

    The Authorization header is used to authenticate with the API using your API key. Value is of the format Bearer YOUR_KEY_HERE.

#Request Body

  • namestring

    A friendly name for the bucket.

  • descriptionstringoptional

    A description of the bucket.

  • tagsobjectoptional

    Key value pairs to associate with the bucket.


    • createdOnstring

      When the item was created.

    • updatedOnstring

      When the item was last updated.

    • idstring
    • namestring

      A friendly name for the bucket.

    • isRetrievablebooleanoptional

      Whether the API keys stored in the bucket are retrievable

    • descriptionstringoptional

      A description of the bucket.

    • tagsobjectoptional

      Key value pairs to associate with the bucket.

#Gets a bucket

Returns the details for a bucket, including the token used to connect to the bucket.

#path Parameters

  • accountNamerequiredstring

    The name of the account. You can find this in your Zuplo Portal under Settings > Project Information.

  • bucketNamerequiredstring

    The name of the bucket. Zuplo automatically creates a bucket for your project. You can find it in youe Zuplo Portal under Settings > Project Information.


  • Authorizationrequiredstring

    The Authorization header is used to authenticate with the API using your API key. Value is of the format Bearer YOUR_KEY_HERE.


    • createdOnstring

      When the item was created.

    • updatedOnstring

      When the item was last updated.

    • idstring
    • namestring

      A friendly name for the bucket.

    • isRetrievablebooleanoptional

      Whether the API keys stored in the bucket are retrievable

    • descriptionstringoptional

      A description of the bucket.

    • tagsobjectoptional

      Key value pairs to associate with the bucket.

#Deletes a bucket

Deletes a bucket and any related resources

#path Parameters

  • accountNamerequiredstring

    The name of the account. You can find this in your Zuplo Portal under Settings > Project Information.

  • bucketNamerequiredstring

    The name of the bucket. Zuplo automatically creates a bucket for your project. You can find it in youe Zuplo Portal under Settings > Project Information.


  • Authorizationrequiredstring

    The Authorization header is used to authenticate with the API using your API key. Value is of the format Bearer YOUR_KEY_HERE.


    No response specified

#Updates a bucket

Updates a bucket, and returns the updated value.

#path Parameters

  • accountNamerequiredstring

    The name of the account. You can find this in your Zuplo Portal under Settings > Project Information.

  • bucketNamerequiredstring

    The name of the bucket. Zuplo automatically creates a bucket for your project. You can find it in youe Zuplo Portal under Settings > Project Information.


  • Authorizationrequiredstring

    The Authorization header is used to authenticate with the API using your API key. Value is of the format Bearer YOUR_KEY_HERE.

#Request Body

  • descriptionstringoptional

    A description of the bucket.

  • tagsobjectoptional

    Key value pairs to associate with the bucket.


    • createdOnstring

      When the item was created.

    • updatedOnstring

      When the item was last updated.

    • idstring
    • namestring

      A friendly name for the bucket.

    • isRetrievablebooleanoptional

      Whether the API keys stored in the bucket are retrievable

    • descriptionstringoptional

      A description of the bucket.

    • tagsobjectoptional

      Key value pairs to associate with the bucket.

API Keys - Consumers

A Consumer is an object representing a group of API keys in a given bucket. This section includes a group of endpoints available to perform CRUD operations on a consumer. You can learn more about consumers here.

#Lists consumers

Lists all consumers belonging to this account.

#path Parameters

  • accountNamerequiredstring

    The name of the account. You can find this in your Zuplo Portal under Settings > Project Information.

  • bucketNamerequiredstring

    The name of the bucket. Zuplo automatically creates a bucket for your project. You can find it in youe Zuplo Portal under Settings > Project Information.

#query Parameters

  • limitrequiredinteger

    The maximum number of entries to return. If the value exceeds the maximum, then the maximum value will be used. Default: 1000

  • offsetrequiredinteger

    The offset of the first item returned in the collection. Default: 0

  • include-api-keysboolean

    Include the api key data in the response.

  • include-manager-invitesboolean

    Include the manager invites data in the response.

  • include-managersboolean

    Include the manager's data in the response.

  • key-formatstring

    The format of the key to return. none: Key is completely hidden. visible: Key is completely visible. masked: Part of key suffix is visible.

  • manager-emailstring

    Filter by email address of key manager.

  • tagstring

    Query by tag. Example usage is tag.account=foo, where account is the name of the tag property and foo is the value.


  • Authorizationrequiredstring

    The Authorization header is used to authenticate with the API using your API key. Value is of the format Bearer YOUR_KEY_HERE.


    • dataobject[]
    • limitintegeroptional
    • offsetintegeroptional
    • totalintegeroptional

#Creates a consumer

Creates a new consumer for this account.

#path Parameters

  • accountNamerequiredstring

    The name of the account. You can find this in your Zuplo Portal under Settings > Project Information.

  • bucketNamerequiredstring

    The name of the bucket. Zuplo automatically creates a bucket for your project. You can find it in youe Zuplo Portal under Settings > Project Information.

#query Parameters

  • with-api-keyboolean

    If an API key should be created with the consumer.


  • Authorizationrequiredstring

    The Authorization header is used to authenticate with the API using your API key. Value is of the format Bearer YOUR_KEY_HERE.

#Request Body

  • namestring

    A friendly name for the consumer. This name is used as the default user.sub property in the API Key Authentication policy.

  • managersoptional

    Email addresses of the managers to invite or a list of managers (with subs) to add to the consumer.

  • descriptionstringoptional

    A description of the consumer.

  • tagsobjectoptional

    Key value pairs to associate with the consumer.

  • metadataobjectoptional

    Generic metadata associated with the consumer.


    • createdOnstring

      When the item was created.

    • updatedOnstring

      When the item was last updated.

    • idstring
    • namestring

      A friendly name for the consumer. This name is used as the default user.sub property in the API Key Authentication policy.

    • descriptionstringoptional

      A description of the consumer.

    • tagsobjectoptional

      Key value pairs to associate with the consumer.

    • metadataobjectoptional

      Generic metadata associated with the consumer.

#Gets a consumer

Gets a consumer given a bucket name and consumer name.

#path Parameters

  • accountNamerequiredstring

    The name of the account. You can find this in your Zuplo Portal under Settings > Project Information.

  • bucketNamerequiredstring

    The name of the bucket. Zuplo automatically creates a bucket for your project. You can find it in youe Zuplo Portal under Settings > Project Information.

  • consumerNamerequiredstring

    The name of the consumer.

#query Parameters

  • include-api-keysboolean

    Include the api key data in the response.

  • key-formatstring

    The format of the key to return. none: Key is completely hidden. visible: Key is completely visible. masked: Part of key suffix is visible.

  • include-managersboolean

    Include the manager's data in the response.

  • include-manager-invitesboolean

    Include the manager invites data in the response.

  • tagstring

    Query by tag. Example usage is tag.account=foo, where account is the name of the tag property and foo is the value.


  • Authorizationrequiredstring

    The Authorization header is used to authenticate with the API using your API key. Value is of the format Bearer YOUR_KEY_HERE.


    • createdOnstring

      When the item was created.

    • updatedOnstring

      When the item was last updated.

    • idstring
    • namestring

      A friendly name for the consumer. This name is used as the default user.sub property in the API Key Authentication policy.

    • descriptionstringoptional

      A description of the consumer.

    • tagsobjectoptional

      Key value pairs to associate with the consumer.

    • metadataobjectoptional

      Generic metadata associated with the consumer.

#Deletes a consumer

Deletes a consumer and any related resources

#path Parameters

  • accountNamerequiredstring

    The name of the account. You can find this in your Zuplo Portal under Settings > Project Information.

  • bucketNamerequiredstring

    The name of the bucket. Zuplo automatically creates a bucket for your project. You can find it in youe Zuplo Portal under Settings > Project Information.

  • consumerNamerequiredstring

    The name of the consumer.

#query Parameters

  • tagstring

    Query by tag. Example usage is tag.account=foo, where account is the name of the tag property and foo is the value.


  • Authorizationrequiredstring

    The Authorization header is used to authenticate with the API using your API key. Value is of the format Bearer YOUR_KEY_HERE.


    No response specified

#Updates a consumer

Update the consumer with the matching consumer name.

#path Parameters

  • accountNamerequiredstring

    The name of the account. You can find this in your Zuplo Portal under Settings > Project Information.

  • bucketNamerequiredstring

    The name of the bucket. Zuplo automatically creates a bucket for your project. You can find it in youe Zuplo Portal under Settings > Project Information.

  • consumerNamerequiredstring

    The name of the consumer.

#query Parameters

  • tagstring

    Query by tag. Example usage is tag.account=foo, where account is the name of the tag property and foo is the value.


  • Authorizationrequiredstring

    The Authorization header is used to authenticate with the API using your API key. Value is of the format Bearer YOUR_KEY_HERE.

#Request Body

  • descriptionstringoptional

    A description of the consumer.

  • tagsobjectoptional

    Key value pairs to associate with the consumer.

  • metadataobjectoptional

    Generic metadata associated with the consumer.


    • createdOnstring

      When the item was created.

    • updatedOnstring

      When the item was last updated.

    • idstring
    • namestring

      A friendly name for the consumer. This name is used as the default user.sub property in the API Key Authentication policy.

    • descriptionstringoptional

      A description of the consumer.

    • tagsobjectoptional

      Key value pairs to associate with the consumer.

    • metadataobjectoptional

      Generic metadata associated with the consumer.

#Roll consumer keys

Set expiration for keys with no expiration date and creates a new key.

#path Parameters

  • accountNamerequiredstring

    The name of the account. You can find this in your Zuplo Portal under Settings > Project Information.

  • bucketNamerequiredstring

    The name of the bucket. Zuplo automatically creates a bucket for your project. You can find it in youe Zuplo Portal under Settings > Project Information.

  • consumerNamerequiredstring

    The name of the consumer.

#query Parameters

  • tagstring

    Query by tag. Example usage is tag.account=foo, where account is the name of the tag property and foo is the value.


  • Authorizationrequiredstring

    The Authorization header is used to authenticate with the API using your API key. Value is of the format Bearer YOUR_KEY_HERE.

#Request Body

  • expiresOnstring

    When the item will expire.


    No response specified
API Keys - Keys

This is an object representing an API key. This section includes a list of endpoints to perform CRUD operations on an API key. You can learn more about API keys here.

#Lists keys

Lists all keys for this consumer.

#path Parameters

  • accountNamerequiredstring

    The name of the account. You can find this in your Zuplo Portal under Settings > Project Information.

  • bucketNamerequiredstring

    The name of the bucket. Zuplo automatically creates a bucket for your project. You can find it in youe Zuplo Portal under Settings > Project Information.

  • consumerNamerequiredstring

    The name of the consumer.

#query Parameters

  • limitrequiredinteger

    The maximum number of entries to return. If the value exceeds the maximum, then the maximum value will be used. Default: 1000

  • offsetrequiredinteger

    The offset of the first item returned in the collection. Default: 0

  • key-formatstring

    The format of the key to return. none: Key is completely hidden. visible: Key is completely visible. masked: Part of key suffix is visible.


  • Authorizationrequiredstring

    The Authorization header is used to authenticate with the API using your API key. Value is of the format Bearer YOUR_KEY_HERE.


    • dataobject[]
    • limitintegeroptional
    • offsetintegeroptional
    • totalintegeroptional

#Creates an API key

Creates a new API key for this consumer. New API keys will automatically have API Key Leak Detection enabled.

#path Parameters

  • accountNamerequiredstring

    The name of the account. You can find this in your Zuplo Portal under Settings > Project Information.

  • bucketNamerequiredstring

    The name of the bucket. Zuplo automatically creates a bucket for your project. You can find it in youe Zuplo Portal under Settings > Project Information.

  • consumerNamerequiredstring

    The name of the consumer.


  • Authorizationrequiredstring

    The Authorization header is used to authenticate with the API using your API key. Value is of the format Bearer YOUR_KEY_HERE.

#Request Body

  • expiresOnstringoptional

    When the key expires.

  • descriptionstringoptional

    The description of the api key.

  • keystringoptional

    The API key's value. You can use this parameter to override Zuplo's default key format, but this is not recommended as you will lose our API Key Leak Detection


    • createdOnstring

      When the item was created.

    • updatedOnstring

      When the item was last updated.

    • idstring
    • expiresOnstringoptional

      When the key expires.

    • descriptionstringoptional

      The description of the api key.

    • keystringoptional

      The API key's value. You can use this parameter to override Zuplo's default key format, but this is not recommended as you will lose our API Key Leak Detection

#Creates multiple API keys

Creates multiple new API keys for this consumer.

#path Parameters

  • accountNamerequiredstring

    The name of the account. You can find this in your Zuplo Portal under Settings > Project Information.

  • bucketNamerequiredstring

    The name of the bucket. Zuplo automatically creates a bucket for your project. You can find it in youe Zuplo Portal under Settings > Project Information.

  • consumerNamerequiredstring

    The name of the consumer.


  • Authorizationrequiredstring

    The Authorization header is used to authenticate with the API using your API key. Value is of the format Bearer YOUR_KEY_HERE.

#Request Body

  • expiresOnstringoptional

    When the key expires.

  • descriptionstringoptional

    The description of the api key.

  • keystringoptional

    The API key's value. You can use this parameter to override Zuplo's default key format, but this is not recommended as you will lose our API Key Leak Detection


    • dataobject[]
    • limitintegeroptional
    • offsetintegeroptional
    • totalintegeroptional

#Gets an API key

Retrieves an API key for this consumer.

#path Parameters

  • accountNamerequiredstring

    The name of the account. You can find this in your Zuplo Portal under Settings > Project Information.

  • bucketNamerequiredstring

    The name of the bucket. Zuplo automatically creates a bucket for your project. You can find it in youe Zuplo Portal under Settings > Project Information.

  • consumerNamerequiredstring

    The name of the consumer.

  • keyIdrequiredstring

    The key id.

#query Parameters

  • key-formatstring

    The format of the key to return. none: Key is completely hidden. visible: Key is completely visible. masked: Part of key suffix is visible.

  • tagstring

    Query by tag. Example usage is tag.account=foo, where account is the name of the tag property and foo is the value.


  • Authorizationrequiredstring

    The Authorization header is used to authenticate with the API using your API key. Value is of the format Bearer YOUR_KEY_HERE.


    • createdOnstring

      When the item was created.

    • updatedOnstring

      When the item was last updated.

    • idstring
    • expiresOnstringoptional

      When the key expires.

    • descriptionstringoptional

      The description of the api key.

    • keystringoptional

      The API key's value. You can use this parameter to override Zuplo's default key format, but this is not recommended as you will lose our API Key Leak Detection

#Deletes an API key

Deletes an API key for this consumer.

#path Parameters

  • accountNamerequiredstring

    The name of the account. You can find this in your Zuplo Portal under Settings > Project Information.

  • bucketNamerequiredstring

    The name of the bucket. Zuplo automatically creates a bucket for your project. You can find it in youe Zuplo Portal under Settings > Project Information.

  • consumerNamerequiredstring

    The name of the consumer.

  • keyIdrequiredstring

    The key id.

#query Parameters

  • tagstring

    Query by tag. Example usage is tag.account=foo, where account is the name of the tag property and foo is the value.


  • Authorizationrequiredstring

    The Authorization header is used to authenticate with the API using your API key. Value is of the format Bearer YOUR_KEY_HERE.


    No response specified

#Updates an API key

Updates an API key for this consumer.

#path Parameters

  • accountNamerequiredstring

    The name of the account. You can find this in your Zuplo Portal under Settings > Project Information.

  • bucketNamerequiredstring

    The name of the bucket. Zuplo automatically creates a bucket for your project. You can find it in youe Zuplo Portal under Settings > Project Information.

  • consumerNamerequiredstring

    The name of the consumer.

  • keyIdrequiredstring

    The key id.

#query Parameters

  • tagstring

    Query by tag. Example usage is tag.account=foo, where account is the name of the tag property and foo is the value.


  • Authorizationrequiredstring

    The Authorization header is used to authenticate with the API using your API key. Value is of the format Bearer YOUR_KEY_HERE.

#Request Body

  • expiresOnstringoptional

    When the key expires.

  • descriptionstringoptional

    The description of the api key.

  • keystringoptional

    The API key's value. You can use this parameter to override Zuplo's default key format, but this is not recommended as you will lose our API Key Leak Detection


    • createdOnstring

      When the item was created.

    • updatedOnstring

      When the item was last updated.

    • idstring
    • expiresOnstringoptional

      When the key expires.

    • descriptionstringoptional

      The description of the api key.

    • keystringoptional

      The API key's value. You can use this parameter to override Zuplo's default key format, but this is not recommended as you will lose our API Key Leak Detection

Metering - Buckets

#Lists metering buckets

Lists all buckets belonging to this account.


  • Authorizationrequiredstring

    The Authorization header is used to authenticate with the API using your API key. Value is of the format Bearer YOUR_KEY_HERE.


    • dataobject[]
    • limitintegeroptional
    • offsetintegeroptional
    • totalintegeroptional

#Creates a bucket

Creates a new bucket for this account.


  • Authorizationrequiredstring

    The Authorization header is used to authenticate with the API using your API key. Value is of the format Bearer YOUR_KEY_HERE.


    • createdOnstring

      When the item was created.

    • updatedOnstring

      When the item was last updated.

    • idstring

#Gets a bucket

Returns the details for a bucket.

#path Parameters

  • bucketIdrequiredstring

    The id of the bucket. Zuplo automatically creates buckets for your project. You can find it in your Zuplo Portal under the Settings tab for your project.


  • Authorizationrequiredstring

    The Authorization header is used to authenticate with the API using your API key. Value is of the format Bearer YOUR_KEY_HERE.


    • createdOnstring

      When the item was created.

    • updatedOnstring

      When the item was last updated.

    • idstring

#Deletes a bucket

Deletes a bucket and any related resources

#path Parameters

  • bucketIdrequiredstring

    The id of the bucket. Zuplo automatically creates buckets for your project. You can find it in your Zuplo Portal under the Settings tab for your project.


  • Authorizationrequiredstring

    The Authorization header is used to authenticate with the API using your API key. Value is of the format Bearer YOUR_KEY_HERE.


    No response specified
Metering - Plans

#Lists plans

Lists all plans belonging to this bucket.

#path Parameters

  • bucketIdrequiredstring

    The id of the bucket. Zuplo automatically creates buckets for your project. You can find it in your Zuplo Portal under the Settings tab for your project.


  • Authorizationrequiredstring

    The Authorization header is used to authenticate with the API using your API key. Value is of the format Bearer YOUR_KEY_HERE.


    • dataobject[]
    • limitintegeroptional
    • offsetintegeroptional
    • totalintegeroptional

#Creates a plan

Creates a new plan for this bucket.

#path Parameters

  • bucketIdrequiredstring

    The id of the bucket. Zuplo automatically creates buckets for your project. You can find it in your Zuplo Portal under the Settings tab for your project.


  • Authorizationrequiredstring

    The Authorization header is used to authenticate with the API using your API key. Value is of the format Bearer YOUR_KEY_HERE.

#Request Body

  • labelstring
  • planExternalIdstring
  • metersobject
  • trialDaysintegeroptional
  • trialEndStatusstringoptional
  • isTrialCollectPaymentbooleanoptional


    • createdOnstring

      When the item was created.

    • updatedOnstring

      When the item was last updated.

    • idstring
    • hasSubscriptionsboolean
    • labelstring
    • planExternalIdstring
    • metersobject
    • trialDaysintegeroptional
    • trialEndStatusstringoptional
    • isTrialCollectPaymentbooleanoptional

#Gets a plan

Returns the details for a plan.

#path Parameters

  • bucketIdrequiredstring

    The id of the bucket. Zuplo automatically creates buckets for your project. You can find it in your Zuplo Portal under the Settings tab for your project.

  • planIdrequiredstring

    The id of the plan.


  • Authorizationrequiredstring

    The Authorization header is used to authenticate with the API using your API key. Value is of the format Bearer YOUR_KEY_HERE.


    • createdOnstring

      When the item was created.

    • updatedOnstring

      When the item was last updated.

    • idstring
    • hasSubscriptionsboolean
    • labelstring
    • planExternalIdstring
    • metersobject
    • trialDaysintegeroptional
    • trialEndStatusstringoptional
    • isTrialCollectPaymentbooleanoptional

#Deletes a plan

Deletes a plan (if there are no associated subscriptions)

#path Parameters

  • bucketIdrequiredstring

    The id of the bucket. Zuplo automatically creates buckets for your project. You can find it in your Zuplo Portal under the Settings tab for your project.

  • planIdrequiredstring

    The id of the plan.


  • Authorizationrequiredstring

    The Authorization header is used to authenticate with the API using your API key. Value is of the format Bearer YOUR_KEY_HERE.


    No response specified

#Updates a plan

Update the details for a plan

#path Parameters

  • bucketIdrequiredstring

    The id of the bucket. Zuplo automatically creates buckets for your project. You can find it in your Zuplo Portal under the Settings tab for your project.

  • planIdrequiredstring

    The id of the plan.


  • Authorizationrequiredstring

    The Authorization header is used to authenticate with the API using your API key. Value is of the format Bearer YOUR_KEY_HERE.

#Request Body

  • labelstringoptional
  • planExternalIdstringoptional
  • metersobjectoptional
  • trialDaysintegeroptional
  • trialEndStatusstringoptional
  • isTrialCollectPaymentbooleanoptional


    • createdOnstring

      When the item was created.

    • updatedOnstring

      When the item was last updated.

    • idstring
    • hasSubscriptionsboolean
    • labelstring
    • planExternalIdstring
    • metersobject
    • trialDaysintegeroptional
    • trialEndStatusstringoptional
    • isTrialCollectPaymentbooleanoptional
Metering - Subscriptions

#Lists subscriptions

Lists all subscriptions belonging to this bucket.

#path Parameters

  • bucketIdrequiredstring

    The id of the bucket. Zuplo automatically creates buckets for your project. You can find it in your Zuplo Portal under the Settings tab for your project.


  • Authorizationrequiredstring

    The Authorization header is used to authenticate with the API using your API key. Value is of the format Bearer YOUR_KEY_HERE.


    • dataobject[]
    • limitintegeroptional
    • offsetintegeroptional
    • totalintegeroptional

#Creates a subscription

Creates a new subscription for this bucket.

#path Parameters

  • bucketIdrequiredstring

    The id of the bucket. Zuplo automatically creates buckets for your project. You can find it in your Zuplo Portal under the Settings tab for your project.


  • Authorizationrequiredstring

    The Authorization header is used to authenticate with the API using your API key. Value is of the format Bearer YOUR_KEY_HERE.

#Request Body

  • planIdsstring[]
  • planExternalIdsstring[]
  • statusstring
  • typestring
  • renewalStrategystring
  • regionstring
  • customerKeystring
  • subscriptionExternalIdstring
  • customerExternalIdstring
  • quotaResetAnchorstringoptional
  • metadataobjectoptional
  • trialEndStatusstringoptional
  • trialEndDatestringoptional
  • trialStartDatestringoptional


    • createdOnstring

      When the item was created.

    • updatedOnstring

      When the item was last updated.

    • idstring
    • planIdsstring[]
    • planExternalIdsstring[]
    • statusstring
    • typestring
    • renewalStrategystring
    • regionstring
    • customerKeystring
    • subscriptionExternalIdstring
    • customerExternalIdstring
    • quotaResetAnchorstringoptional
    • metadataobjectoptional
    • trialEndStatusstringoptional
    • trialEndDatestringoptional
    • trialStartDatestringoptional

#Gets a subscription

Returns the details for a subscription.

#path Parameters

  • bucketIdrequiredstring

    The id of the bucket. Zuplo automatically creates buckets for your project. You can find it in your Zuplo Portal under the Settings tab for your project.

  • subscriptionIdrequiredstring

    The id of the subscription.


  • Authorizationrequiredstring

    The Authorization header is used to authenticate with the API using your API key. Value is of the format Bearer YOUR_KEY_HERE.


    • createdOnstring

      When the item was created.

    • updatedOnstring

      When the item was last updated.

    • idstring
    • planIdsstring[]
    • planExternalIdsstring[]
    • statusstring
    • typestring
    • renewalStrategystring
    • regionstring
    • customerKeystring
    • subscriptionExternalIdstring
    • customerExternalIdstring
    • quotaResetAnchorstringoptional
    • metadataobjectoptional
    • trialEndStatusstringoptional
    • trialEndDatestringoptional
    • trialStartDatestringoptional

#Deletes a subscription

Deletes a subscription and any related resources

#path Parameters

  • bucketIdrequiredstring

    The id of the bucket. Zuplo automatically creates buckets for your project. You can find it in your Zuplo Portal under the Settings tab for your project.

  • subscriptionIdrequiredstring

    The id of the subscription.


  • Authorizationrequiredstring

    The Authorization header is used to authenticate with the API using your API key. Value is of the format Bearer YOUR_KEY_HERE.


    No response specified

#Updates a subscription

Updates the subscription for this bucket.

#path Parameters

  • bucketIdrequiredstring

    The id of the bucket. Zuplo automatically creates buckets for your project. You can find it in your Zuplo Portal under the Settings tab for your project.

  • subscriptionIdrequiredstring

    The id of the subscription.


  • Authorizationrequiredstring

    The Authorization header is used to authenticate with the API using your API key. Value is of the format Bearer YOUR_KEY_HERE.

#Request Body

  • planExternalIdsstring[]optional
  • statusstringoptional
  • proratenumberoptional
  • metadataobjectoptional
  • trialEndDatestringoptional


    • createdOnstring

      When the item was created.

    • updatedOnstring

      When the item was last updated.

    • idstring
    • planIdsstring[]
    • planExternalIdsstring[]
    • statusstring
    • typestring
    • renewalStrategystring
    • regionstring
    • customerKeystring
    • subscriptionExternalIdstring
    • customerExternalIdstring
    • quotaResetAnchorstringoptional
    • metadataobjectoptional
    • trialEndStatusstringoptional
    • trialEndDatestringoptional
    • trialStartDatestringoptional
Metering - Quotas

#Get quotas

Get the quotas for this subscription

#path Parameters

  • bucketIdrequiredstring

    The id of the bucket. Zuplo automatically creates buckets for your project. You can find it in your Zuplo Portal under the Settings tab for your project.

  • subscriptionIdrequiredstring

    The id of the subscription.


  • Authorizationrequiredstring

    The Authorization header is used to authenticate with the API using your API key. Value is of the format Bearer YOUR_KEY_HERE.



#OpenAPI Specification

Returns the OpenAPI V3 spec for Zuplo's Developer API



#Who Am I

Returns basic information about the caller (using the api key)


  • Authorizationrequiredstring

    The Authorization header is used to authenticate with the API using your API key. Value is of the format Bearer YOUR_KEY_HERE.


    • accountstring