The Zuplo Developer API, powered by Zuplo


Set of operations available to handle deployments. You can learn more about deployments here.


Gets a deployment status


Gets the deployment status of your upload. Use the UUID of the uploaded sources as the statusId.

Gets a deployment statuspath Parameters

  • accountNamestring · required

    The name of the account. You can find this in your Zuplo Portal under Settings > Project Information.

  • projectNamestring · required

    The name of the project. You can find this in your Zuplo Portal under Settings > Project Information.

  • statusIdstring · required

    The UUID of the uploaded sources.

Gets a deployment statusResponses

    • statusstring · enum · required
      Enum values:
    • urlstring · required
    • stepsobject · required
    • buildResultobject · required

Lists deployments


Lists the deployments for the specified account and project.

Lists deploymentspath Parameters

  • accountNamestring · required

    The name of the account. You can find this in your Zuplo Portal under Settings > Project Information.

  • projectNamestring · required

    The name of the project. You can find this in your Zuplo Portal under Settings > Project Information.

Lists deploymentsResponses

    • dataobject[] · required

Upload deployment source


Creates a URL for uploading sources.

Upload deployment sourceRequest Body

  • accountNamestring · required

    The name of the account

  • projectNamestring · required

    The name of the project

  • branchNamestring · required

    The name of the branch for deployment

Upload deployment sourceResponses

    • uploadUrlstring · required

Get a deployment


Gets the specified deployment.

Get a deploymentpath Parameters

  • deploymentNamestring · required

    The name of the deployment. You can find this in the Zuplo Portal under Settings > Environments.

Get a deploymentResponses

    • namestring · required

      The name of the deployment. You can find this in the Zuplo Portal under Settings > Environments.

    • urlstring · required
    • labelstring · required
    • urlParameterstring · required
    • createdOnstring · required
    • updatedOnstring · required
    • loggingIdstring · required
    • accountNamestring · required
    • projectNamestring · required
    • statestring · required
    • messagestring · enum · required
      Enum values:
    • branchNamestring · required
    • environmentTypestring · required

Deletes a deployment


Deletes the specified deployment.

Deletes a deploymentpath Parameters

  • deploymentNamestring · required

    The name of the deployment. You can find this in the Zuplo Portal under Settings > Environments.

Deletes a deploymentResponses

    No response specified

Re-deploy a deployment


Re-deploys the specified deployment so that it can pick up new environment variables or other configuration changes.

Re-deploy a deploymentpath Parameters

  • deploymentNamestring · required

    The name of the deployment. You can find this in the Zuplo Portal under Settings > Environments.

Re-deploy a deploymentResponses

    • statusstring · required