The Zuplo Developer API, powered by Zuplo

API Keys - Keys

This is an object representing an API key. This section includes a list of endpoints to perform CRUD operations on an API key. You can learn more about API keys here.


Lists keys


Lists all keys for this consumer.

Lists keyspath Parameters

  • accountNamestring · required

    The name of the account. You can find this in your Zuplo Portal under Settings > Project Information.

  • bucketNamestring · required

    The name of the bucket. Zuplo automatically creates a bucket for your project. You can find it in youe Zuplo Portal under Settings > Project Information.

  • consumerNamestring · required

    The name of the consumer.

Lists keysquery Parameters

  • limitinteger · min: 1 · max: 1000 · required

    The maximum number of entries to return. If the value exceeds the maximum, then the maximum value will be used. Default: 1000

  • offsetinteger · required

    The offset of the first item returned in the collection. Default: 0

  • key-formatstring · enum

    The format of the key to return. none: Key is completely hidden. visible: Key is completely visible. masked: Part of key suffix is visible.

    Enum values:

Lists keysResponses

    • dataobject[] · required
    • limitinteger · uint32
    • offsetinteger · uint32
    • totalinteger · uint32

Creates an API key


Creates a new API key for this consumer. New API keys will automatically have API Key Leak Detection enabled.

Creates an API keypath Parameters

  • accountNamestring · required

    The name of the account. You can find this in your Zuplo Portal under Settings > Project Information.

  • bucketNamestring · required

    The name of the bucket. Zuplo automatically creates a bucket for your project. You can find it in youe Zuplo Portal under Settings > Project Information.

  • consumerNamestring · required

    The name of the consumer.

Creates an API keyRequest Body

  • expiresOnstring · date-time

    When the key expires.

  • descriptionstring

    The description of the api key.

  • keystring

    The API key's value. You can use this parameter to override Zuplo's default key format, but this is not recommended as you will lose our API Key Leak Detection

Creates an API keyResponses

    • createdOnstring · date-time · readOnly · required

      When the item was created.

    • updatedOnstring · date-time · readOnly · required

      When the item was last updated.

    • idstring · readOnly · required
    • expiresOnstring · date-time

      When the key expires.

    • descriptionstring

      The description of the api key.

    • keystring

      The API key's value. You can use this parameter to override Zuplo's default key format, but this is not recommended as you will lose our API Key Leak Detection

Creates multiple API keys


Creates multiple new API keys for this consumer.

Creates multiple API keyspath Parameters

  • accountNamestring · required

    The name of the account. You can find this in your Zuplo Portal under Settings > Project Information.

  • bucketNamestring · required

    The name of the bucket. Zuplo automatically creates a bucket for your project. You can find it in youe Zuplo Portal under Settings > Project Information.

  • consumerNamestring · required

    The name of the consumer.

Creates multiple API keysRequest Body

  • expiresOnstring · date-time

    When the key expires.

  • descriptionstring

    The description of the api key.

  • keystring

    The API key's value. You can use this parameter to override Zuplo's default key format, but this is not recommended as you will lose our API Key Leak Detection

Creates multiple API keysResponses

    • dataobject[] · required
    • limitinteger · uint32
    • offsetinteger · uint32
    • totalinteger · uint32

Gets an API key


Retrieves an API key for this consumer.

Gets an API keypath Parameters

  • accountNamestring · required

    The name of the account. You can find this in your Zuplo Portal under Settings > Project Information.

  • bucketNamestring · required

    The name of the bucket. Zuplo automatically creates a bucket for your project. You can find it in youe Zuplo Portal under Settings > Project Information.

  • consumerNamestring · required

    The name of the consumer.

  • keyIdstring · required

    The key id.

Gets an API keyquery Parameters

  • key-formatstring · enum

    The format of the key to return. none: Key is completely hidden. visible: Key is completely visible. masked: Part of key suffix is visible.

    Enum values:
  • tagstring

    Query by tag. Example usage is tag.account=foo, where account is the name of the tag property and foo is the value.

Gets an API keyResponses

    • createdOnstring · date-time · readOnly · required

      When the item was created.

    • updatedOnstring · date-time · readOnly · required

      When the item was last updated.

    • idstring · readOnly · required
    • expiresOnstring · date-time

      When the key expires.

    • descriptionstring

      The description of the api key.

    • keystring

      The API key's value. You can use this parameter to override Zuplo's default key format, but this is not recommended as you will lose our API Key Leak Detection

Deletes an API key


Deletes an API key for this consumer.

Deletes an API keypath Parameters

  • accountNamestring · required

    The name of the account. You can find this in your Zuplo Portal under Settings > Project Information.

  • bucketNamestring · required

    The name of the bucket. Zuplo automatically creates a bucket for your project. You can find it in youe Zuplo Portal under Settings > Project Information.

  • consumerNamestring · required

    The name of the consumer.

  • keyIdstring · required

    The key id.

Deletes an API keyquery Parameters

  • tagstring

    Query by tag. Example usage is tag.account=foo, where account is the name of the tag property and foo is the value.

Deletes an API keyResponses

    No response specified

Updates an API key


Updates an API key for this consumer.

Updates an API keypath Parameters

  • accountNamestring · required

    The name of the account. You can find this in your Zuplo Portal under Settings > Project Information.

  • bucketNamestring · required

    The name of the bucket. Zuplo automatically creates a bucket for your project. You can find it in youe Zuplo Portal under Settings > Project Information.

  • consumerNamestring · required

    The name of the consumer.

  • keyIdstring · required

    The key id.

Updates an API keyquery Parameters

  • tagstring

    Query by tag. Example usage is tag.account=foo, where account is the name of the tag property and foo is the value.

Updates an API keyRequest Body

  • expiresOnstring · date-time

    When the key expires.

  • descriptionstring

    The description of the api key.

  • keystring

    The API key's value. You can use this parameter to override Zuplo's default key format, but this is not recommended as you will lose our API Key Leak Detection

Updates an API keyResponses

    • createdOnstring · date-time · readOnly · required

      When the item was created.

    • updatedOnstring · date-time · readOnly · required

      When the item was last updated.

    • idstring · readOnly · required
    • expiresOnstring · date-time

      When the key expires.

    • descriptionstring

      The description of the api key.

    • keystring

      The API key's value. You can use this parameter to override Zuplo's default key format, but this is not recommended as you will lose our API Key Leak Detection