The Zuplo Developer API, powered by Zuplo


List of endpoints available to perform operations on Tunnels.


Lists tunnels


Lists all tunnels belonging to this account.

Lists tunnelspath Parameters

  • accountNamestring · required

    The name of the account. You can find this in your Zuplo Portal under Settings > Project Information.

Lists tunnelsResponses

    • dataobject[] · required
    • limitinteger · uint32
    • offsetinteger · uint32
    • totalinteger · uint32

Creates a tunnel


Creates a new tunnel for this account.

Creates a tunnelpath Parameters

  • accountNamestring · required

    The name of the account. You can find this in your Zuplo Portal under Settings > Project Information.

Creates a tunnelRequest Body

  • tunnelIdstring · readOnly · required
  • namestring · pattern: ^[a-zA-Z0-9-]{3,24}$ · required

    A friendly name for the tunnel.

  • tokenstring · readOnly · required

    Set your TUNNEL_TOKEN to this value to connect to the tunnel.

Creates a tunnelResponses

    • tunnelIdstring · readOnly · required
    • namestring · pattern: ^[a-zA-Z0-9-]{3,24}$ · required

      A friendly name for the tunnel.

    • tokenstring · readOnly · required

      Set your TUNNEL_TOKEN to this value to connect to the tunnel.

Gets a tunnel


Returns the details for a tunnel, including the token used to connect to the tunnel.

Gets a tunnelpath Parameters

  • accountNamestring · required

    The name of the account. You can find this in your Zuplo Portal under Settings > Project Information.

  • tunnelIdstring · required

    The ID of the tunnel.

Gets a tunnelResponses

    • tunnelIdstring · readOnly · required
    • namestring · pattern: ^[a-zA-Z0-9-]{3,24}$ · required

      A friendly name for the tunnel.

    • tokenstring · readOnly · required

      Set your TUNNEL_TOKEN to this value to connect to the tunnel.

Deletes a tunnel


Deletes a tunnel and any services that it has.

Deletes a tunnelpath Parameters

  • accountNamestring · required

    The name of the account. You can find this in your Zuplo Portal under Settings > Project Information.

  • tunnelIdstring · required

    The ID of the tunnel.

Deletes a tunnelResponses

    • idstring · readOnly · required
    • statusstring · enum · required
      Enum values:
    • messagestring
    • detailsstring

Rotates the token


Rotates the token used to connect to the tunnel.

Rotates the tokenpath Parameters

  • accountNamestring · required

    The name of the account. You can find this in your Zuplo Portal under Settings > Project Information.

  • tunnelIdstring · required

    The ID of the tunnel.

Rotates the tokenResponses

    • tunnelIdstring · readOnly · required
    • namestring · pattern: ^[a-zA-Z0-9-]{3,24}$ · required

      A friendly name for the tunnel.

    • tokenstring · readOnly · required

      Set your TUNNEL_TOKEN to this value to connect to the tunnel.

Gets a teardown status


This endpoint returns the status of the deletion of the tunnel. Tearing down the tunnel is an asynchronous process so this endpoint allows you to poll the status.

Gets a teardown statuspath Parameters

  • accountNamestring · required

    The name of the account. You can find this in your Zuplo Portal under Settings > Project Information.

  • tunnelIdstring · required

    The ID of the tunnel.

  • operationIdstring · required

    The ID of the deletion operation.

Gets a teardown statusResponses

    • idstring · readOnly · required
    • statusstring · enum · required
      Enum values:
    • messagestring
    • detailsstring