The Zuplo Developer API, powered by Zuplo

API Keys - Buckets

A Bucket is an object representing a group of API key consumers for a given account. This section includes a group of endpoints available to perform CRUD operations on a bucket. You can learn more about buckets here.


Lists buckets


Lists all buckets belonging to this account.

Lists bucketspath Parameters

  • accountNamestring · required

    The name of the account. You can find this in your Zuplo Portal under Settings > Project Information.

Lists bucketsResponses

    • dataobject[] · required
    • limitinteger · uint32
    • offsetinteger · uint32
    • totalinteger · uint32

Creates a bucket


Creates a new bucket for this account.

Creates a bucketpath Parameters

  • accountNamestring · required

    The name of the account. You can find this in your Zuplo Portal under Settings > Project Information.

Creates a bucketRequest Body

  • namestring · pattern: ^[a-z0-9-]{5,128}$ · required

    A friendly name for the bucket.

  • descriptionstring

    A description of the bucket.

  • tagsobject

    Key value pairs to associate with the bucket.

Creates a bucketResponses

    • createdOnstring · date-time · readOnly · required

      When the item was created.

    • updatedOnstring · date-time · readOnly · required

      When the item was last updated.

    • idstring · readOnly · required
    • namestring · pattern: ^[a-z0-9-]{5,128}$ · required

      A friendly name for the bucket.

    • isRetrievableboolean

      Whether the API keys stored in the bucket are retrievable

    • descriptionstring

      A description of the bucket.

    • tagsobject

      Key value pairs to associate with the bucket.

Gets a bucket


Returns the details for a bucket, including the token used to connect to the bucket.

Gets a bucketpath Parameters

  • accountNamestring · required

    The name of the account. You can find this in your Zuplo Portal under Settings > Project Information.

  • bucketNamestring · required

    The name of the bucket. Zuplo automatically creates a bucket for your project. You can find it in youe Zuplo Portal under Settings > Project Information.

Gets a bucketResponses

    • createdOnstring · date-time · readOnly · required

      When the item was created.

    • updatedOnstring · date-time · readOnly · required

      When the item was last updated.

    • idstring · readOnly · required
    • namestring · pattern: ^[a-z0-9-]{5,128}$ · required

      A friendly name for the bucket.

    • isRetrievableboolean

      Whether the API keys stored in the bucket are retrievable

    • descriptionstring

      A description of the bucket.

    • tagsobject

      Key value pairs to associate with the bucket.

Deletes a bucket


Deletes a bucket and any related resources

Deletes a bucketpath Parameters

  • accountNamestring · required

    The name of the account. You can find this in your Zuplo Portal under Settings > Project Information.

  • bucketNamestring · required

    The name of the bucket. Zuplo automatically creates a bucket for your project. You can find it in youe Zuplo Portal under Settings > Project Information.

Deletes a bucketResponses

    No response specified

Updates a bucket


Updates a bucket, and returns the updated value.

Updates a bucketpath Parameters

  • accountNamestring · required

    The name of the account. You can find this in your Zuplo Portal under Settings > Project Information.

  • bucketNamestring · required

    The name of the bucket. Zuplo automatically creates a bucket for your project. You can find it in youe Zuplo Portal under Settings > Project Information.

Updates a bucketRequest Body

  • descriptionstring

    A description of the bucket.

  • tagsobject

    Key value pairs to associate with the bucket.

Updates a bucketResponses

    • createdOnstring · date-time · readOnly · required

      When the item was created.

    • updatedOnstring · date-time · readOnly · required

      When the item was last updated.

    • idstring · readOnly · required
    • namestring · pattern: ^[a-z0-9-]{5,128}$ · required

      A friendly name for the bucket.

    • isRetrievableboolean

      Whether the API keys stored in the bucket are retrievable

    • descriptionstring

      A description of the bucket.

    • tagsobject

      Key value pairs to associate with the bucket.