The Zuplo Developer API, powered by Zuplo


Set of operations available to create and update environment variables. You can learn more about environment variables here.


Creates a variable


Creates a new environment variable in a branch for a given project.

Creates a variablepath Parameters

  • accountNamestring · required

    The name of the account. You can find this in your Zuplo Portal under Settings > Project Information.

  • projectNamestring · required

    The name of the project. You can find this in your Zuplo Portal under Settings > Project Information.

  • branchNamestring · required

    The name of the branch in your source control provider.

Creates a variableRequest Body

  • namestring · required

    The name of the variable. Must be named in SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE.

  • isSecretboolean · required

    Whether the variable is a secret.

  • valuestring · required

    The value of the variable.

Creates a variableResponses

    • branchstring · readOnly · required
    • createdOnstring · date-time · readOnly · required

      When the item was created.

    • updatedOnstring · date-time · readOnly · required

      When the item was last updated.

    • namestring · required

      The name of the variable. Must be named in SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE.

    • isSecretboolean · required

      Whether the variable is a secret.

    • valuestring · required

      The value of the variable.

Updates a variable


Update the value of a variable in a branch for a given project.

Updates a variablepath Parameters

  • accountNamestring · required

    The name of the account. You can find this in your Zuplo Portal under Settings > Project Information.

  • projectNamestring · required

    The name of the project. You can find this in your Zuplo Portal under Settings > Project Information.

  • branchNamestring · required

    The name of the branch in your source control provider.

  • variableNamestring · required

    The name of the environment variable.

Updates a variableRequest Body

  • valuestring

    The value of the variable.

Updates a variableResponses

    • branchstring · readOnly · required
    • createdOnstring · date-time · readOnly · required

      When the item was created.

    • updatedOnstring · date-time · readOnly · required

      When the item was last updated.

    • namestring · required

      The name of the variable. Must be named in SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE.

    • isSecretboolean · required

      Whether the variable is a secret.

    • valuestring · required

      The value of the variable.