
OpenFGA Authorization Policy

OpenFGA is a high-performance and flexible authorization system that implements the Zanzibar model. It allows you to define complex authorization rules based on relationships between users, objects, and actions. This policy will authorize requests using OpenFGA. If the request is not authorized, a 403 response will be returned.


This policy is in beta. You can use it today, but it may change in non-backward compatible ways before the final release.


The configuration shows how to configure the policy in the 'policies.json' document.

  "name": "my-openfga-authz-inbound-policy",
  "policyType": "openfga-authz-inbound",
  "handler": {
    "export": "OpenFGAAuthZInboundPolicy",
    "module": "$import(@zuplo/runtime)",
    "options": {
      "apiUrl": "",
      "authorizationModelId": "$env(FGA_MODEL_ID)",
      "credentials": {
        "method": "client-credentials",
        "clientId": "$env(FGA_CLIENT_ID)",
        "clientSecret": "$env(FGA_CLIENT_SECRET)",
        "apiAudience": "",
        "oauthTokenEndpointUrl": ""
      "storeId": "$env(FGA_STORE_ID)"

Policy Configuration

  • name <string> - The name of your policy instance. This is used as a reference in your routes.
  • policyType <string> - The identifier of the policy. This is used by the Zuplo UI. Value should be openfga-authz-inbound.
  • handler.export <string> - The name of the exported type. Value should be OpenFGAAuthZInboundPolicy.
  • handler.module <string> - The module containing the policy. Value should be $import(@zuplo/runtime).
  • handler.options <object> - The options for this policy. See Policy Options below.

Policy Options

The options for this policy are specified below. All properties are optional unless specifically marked as required.

  • apiUrl (required) <string> - The URL of the OpenFGA service.
  • storeId (required) <string> - The ID of the store.
  • authorizationModelId (required) <string> - The ID of the authorization model.
  • allowUnauthorizedRequests <boolean> - Indicates whether the request should continue if authorization fails. Default is false which means unauthorized users will automatically receive a 403 response. Defaults to false.
  • credentials (required) <undefined> - No description available.

Using the Policy


To use this policy, you must programmatically set the relationship checks to be performed against your OpenFGA store. This is done using the static setContextChecks method.

The most common way to set the authorization checks are:

  1. Creating custom inbound policies for each authorization scenario
  2. Creating a custom inbound policy that reads data from the OpenAPI operation and sets the authorization checks dynamically

Example: Custom Authorization Policies

Create a file like modules/openfga-checks.ts to define your custom authorization policies:

import {
} from "@zuplo/runtime";

export async function canReadFolder(
  request: ZuploRequest,
  context: ZuploContext,
) {
  if (!request.params?.folderId) {
    throw new RuntimeError("Folder ID not found in request");
  }"Setting OpenFGA context checks");

  if (!request.user?.sub) {
    return HttpProblems.forbidden(request, context, {
      detail: "User not found",

  // Set the authorization check to verify if the user has viewer access to the folder
  OpenFGAAuthZInboundPolicy.setContextChecks(context, {
    user: `user:${request.user.sub}`,
    relation: "viewer",
    object: `folder:${request.params.folderId}`,

  return request;

export async function canEditDocument(
  request: ZuploRequest,
  context: ZuploContext,
) {
  if (!request.params?.documentId) {
    throw new RuntimeError("Document ID not found in request");

  if (!request.user?.sub) {
    return HttpProblems.forbidden(request, context, {
      detail: "User not found",

  // Set the authorization check to verify if the user has editor access to the document
  OpenFGAAuthZInboundPolicy.setContextChecks(context, {
    user: `user:${request.user.sub}`,
    relation: "editor",
    object: `document:${request.params.documentId}`,

  return request;

Applying to Routes

In your route configuration, apply both the custom authorization policy and the OpenFGA policy:

  "path": "/folders/:folderId",
  "methods": ["GET"],
  "policies": {
    "inbound": ["jwt-auth", "authz-can-read-folder", "openfga-authz"]

Then in your policies.json:

  "name": "authz-can-read-folder",
  "export": "canReadFolder",
  "module": "$import(./modules/openfga-checks)"
  "name": "openfga-authz",
  "export": "OpenFGAAuthZInboundPolicy",
  "module": "$import(@zuplo/runtime)",
  "options": {
    // OpenFGA configuration...

Example: Dynamic Authorization Checks

You can make your authorization checks more dynamic by reading data from your OpenAPI specification or other sources. This allows you to define authorization rules that adapt based on the route, method, or other request properties.

For example, you could access custom data defined in your route:

export async function dynamicAuthCheck(
  request: ZuploRequest,
  context: ZuploContext,
) {
  // Access custom data from the route configuration
  const data = context.route.raw<{
    "x-authz": {
      resourceType: string;
      permission: string;
      resourceIdParam: string;
  const authzData = data["x-authz"];

  if (!authzData?.resourceType || !authzData?.permission) {
    throw new RuntimeError(
      "Missing resource type or permission in route config",

  if (!request.user?.sub) {
    return HttpProblems.forbidden(request, context);

  // Extract resource ID from request parameters
  const resourceId = request.params?.[authzData.resourceIdParam];

  if (!resourceId) {
    throw new RuntimeError(
      `Resource ID parameter '${authzData.resourceIdParam}' not found`,

  // Set dynamic authorization check
  OpenFGAAuthZInboundPolicy.setContextChecks(context, {
    user: `user:${request.user.sub}`,
    relation: authzData.permission,
    object: `${authzData.resourceType}:${resourceId}`,

  return request;

Then in your OpenAPI document, you would set the custom data on the x-authz property:

  "paths": {
    "/custom-data": {
      "post": {
        "x-authz": {
          "resourceType": "document",
          "resourceIdParam": "documentId",
          "permission": "editor"

Read more about how policies work