
Dev Portal Clerk Setup

Clerk Setup

If you don't have an Clerk account, you can sign up for a free Clerk account that will provide you will 10,000 monthly active users.

1/ Create OAuth Application

Create a new OAuth application. This is done in their portal in the OAuth applications section.

Create the application with the following settings:

  • Name: This can be anything you like
  • Scopes: Select the openid, profile, and email scopes
  • Redirect URI: This should be the URL of your Zuplo Developer Portal. This is the URL that you use to access the Developer Portal. For example, It's IMPORTANT that the URL ends with the trailing /.
  • Public - Enable this option so that your Clerk OAuth application supports Authorization Code with PKCE (Proof Key for Code Exchange) flow.

After creating the application, you will receive a Client ID. You will also see a list of Application configuration URLs. You will use these values to create an environment variable in Zuplo.

Create a new environment variable named ZUPLO_PUBLIC_CLERK_CLIENT_ID and set the value to the Client ID value in the portal. Create another variable named ZUPLO_PUBLIC_CLERK_ISSUER and set the value to the Clerk domain. Note, the issuer isn't explicitly shown in the portal. It's the domain of any of the values shown in the Application configuration URLs. So, if your Discovery URL is, then the issuer is

Application Urls

2/ Configure the Developer Portal

Inside of the Zuplo Developer portal navigate to the Code Editor tab and open the dev-portal.json file. You can set the values in the form or open the JSON tab and edit the file to look like the following.

  "$schema": "",
  "enabled": true,
  "enableAuthentication": true,
  "requireAuthentication": false,
  "authentication": {
    "provider": "oidc",
    "issuer": "$env(ZUPLO_PUBLIC_CLERK_ISSUER)",
    "clientId": "$env(ZUPLO_PUBLIC_CLERK_CLIENT_ID)"