Dev Portal Auth0 Setup
Auth0 Setup
If you don't have an Auth0 account, you can sign up for a free Auth0 account that will provide you will 7,000 monthly active users.
1/ Create Auth0 Application
Create a new Auth0 application in the Auth0 dashboard. When creating the application select type "Single Page Web Applications"
2/ Configure Auth0 Application
You must set the following fields in the Auth0 application:
Application URLs
- Allowed Callback URLs: Add your docs site URL (for example
). Note, you should include the trailing slash. - Allowed Logout URLs: Add your docs site URL (for example
). Not you should include the trailing slash. - Allowed Web Origins: Add your docs site URL without the path (for example
Refresh Token Rotation
- Rotation: Enabled
- Reuse Interval: Leave at
Refresh Token Expiration
- Absolute Expiration: Enabled
- Absolute Lifetime: Can be whatever time you want, default is
- Inactivity Expiration: Enabled
- Inactivity Lifetime: Can be whatever you want, default is
3/ Create an Auth0 API
Create an API
in the Auth0 portal. Set the Identifier to something like
. You will enter this value into Zuplo as the
Audience in the next step.
The identifier is commonly a URI, but it doesn't have to be, nor does the URI have to match where your API is hosted. It's common practice to use the same identifier for all different environments of your API even if they're on different URLs.
4/ Configure the Developer Portal
Inside of the Zuplo Developer portal navigate to the Code Editor tab and
open the dev-portal.json
file. You can
edit the JSON manually, but in this tutorial we will use
the UI editor.
Set the following settings:
- Enable Authentication: Checked
- Provider:
- Authority: This is your Auth0 domain (for example
) in URL format like
. The trailing slash is required. - Client ID: The client ID of the Auth0 application that was created in the earlier steps. This is a string of letters an numbers. The Client ID isn't a secret value.
- Audience: This is the value for
that you set when creating the Auth0 API earlier.
External Auth Setup
You can setup non-OIDC auth sources to work with the developer portal. See our Supabase Auth Guide to learn how to configure an external auth provider.