
Audit Logs Policy

Audit logging is an important part of API security that plays a critical role in detecting and correcting issues such as unauthorized access or permission elevations within your system. Audit logging is also a requirement for many compliance certifications as well as part of the buying criteria for larger enterprises.

Adding Audit Logging to your APIs that are secured with Zuplo is as easy as adding a policy. Typically you want to add audit logs to any API that modifies data, however depending on the API you may want it on read operations as well (i.e. retrieve a secret key, etc.)

Enterprise Feature

This policy is only available as as part of our enterprise plans. If you would like to use this in production reach out to us: sales@zuplo.com


The configuration shows how to configure the policy in the 'policies.json' document.

{ "name": "my-audit-log-inbound-policy", "policyType": "audit-log-inbound", "handler": { "export": "AuditLogsInboundPolicy", "module": "$import(@zuplo/runtime)", "options": { "logGeolocation": true, "logIpAddress": true, "logQueryParameters": true, "logRouteParameters": true, "logUser": true } } }

Policy Options

The options for this policy are specified below. All properties are optional unless specifically marked as required.

  • logIpAddress -
    if the IP address should be logged.
    Defaults to true.
  • logUser -
    if the user's sub should be logged.
    Defaults to true.
  • logGeolocation -
    if the geolocation information should be logged (i.e. state, country, longitude, latitude, etc.).
    Defaults to true.
  • logQueryParameters -
    log the values of query parameters.
    Defaults to true.
  • logRouteParameters -
    The parameters in the route to log.
    Defaults to true.
  • tenant -
    if the route parameters should be logged (i.e. the value of customerId in the route /customers/:customerId).
  • metadata -
    A function to add additional data to the audit logs.

Using the Policy

Adding Custom Metadata#

You can add any additional data to the audit logs with a custom function.


Custom metadata functions cannot be asynchronous. Due to the frequency of their calls, asynchronous functions will add significant latency to your API.

//module - ./modules/audit-logs.ts import { ZuploRequest } from "@zuplo/runtime"; export function auditLogMetadata(request: ZuploRequest): any { const metadata = { accountId: request.user.data.account, customTraceId: request.headers.get("custom-trace-id"), }; return metadata; }

Log Data#

The structure of an audit log is shown below.

{ "route": "/customers/:customerId", "method": "GET", "query": { "a": 1, "b": 2 }, "params": { "customerId": "12345" }, "headers": { "userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/101.0.4951.41 Safari/537.36" }, "user": { "sub": "user|12356" }, "geolocation": { "country": "US", "city": "Seattle", "continent": "NA", "latitude": "1.123", "longitude": "4.567", "postalCode": "29700", "metroCode": "100", "region": "Washington", "timezone": "America/LosAngeles" }, "metadata": { // Custom data } }

Audit Logs in the Portal#

Audit logs are not currently surfaced in the Zuplo portal, but the feature is planned soon.

Audit Log API#

Audit logs can be retrieved using the Zuplo Management API. Logs can be retrieved by time span and can be filtered by tenant.

GET /deployments/:deploymentId/auditlogs?tenant=TENANT content-type: application/json authorization: Bearer YOUR_TOKEN

Read more about how policies work

Complex Rate Limiting