
WebSocket Handler

This is an Enterprise only policy at this time. Please contact us to trial this or sign up for an Enterprise account.

The WebSocket Handler enables you to manage WebSocket connections to your backend WebSocket APIs. It can be configured alongside other existing policies like Rate Limiting, API Keys, etc. and is available for use on all environments.

This handler is currently in beta and only configurable via the JSON View on a project's Route Designer or directly in your project's *.oas.json file.

Setup in routes.oas.json

Configuration of the WebSocket Handler is similar to other available handlers. Set the name of the path that your WebSocket API route will use, set the use of the webSocketHandler export from @zuplo/runtime module in the handler configuration and use the rewritePattern property inside of options to point to your service's WebSocket API endpoint.

Your configuration will look like below:

"/my-websocket": {
  "x-zuplo-path": {
  "pathMode": "open-api"
  "get": {
  "summary": "Zuplo websocket route to internal API",
  "description": "Zuplo websocket route to internal API",
  "x-zuplo-route": {
    "corsPolicy": "none",
    "handler": {
      "export": "webSocketHandler",
      "module": "$import(@zuplo/runtime)",
      "options": {
        "rewritePattern": "https://myservice.com/websocket",
    "policies": {
      "inbound": []
  "operationId": "8115f88e-b561-4248-b317-0e256e9d6b6a"

Handler Options

The WebSocket Handler can be configured via options property. It has the following configuration properties

  • rewritePattern - the URL the incoming pathname will be appended to.

Similar to other handlers using rewritePattern, it supports JavaScript string interpolation syntax and can be used to shape the URL based on data from the incoming request and environment variables defined in the project.


The following objects are available for substitution:

  • env - the environment object, to access Environment Variables
  • request: ZuploRequest - the full ZuploRequest object
  • context: ZuploContext - the ZuploContext object without functions.
  • params: Record<string, string> - The parameters of the route. For example, params.productId would be the value of :productId in a route.
  • query: Record<string, string> - The query parameters of the route. For example, query.filterBy would be the value of ?filterBy=VALUE.
  • headers: Headers - the incoming request's headers object
  • url: string - The full incoming request as a string
  • host: string - The host portion of the incoming URL
  • hostname: string - The hostname portion of the incoming URL
  • pathname: string - The pathname portion of the incoming URL
  • port: string - The port portion of the incoming URL
  • search - The search portion of the incoming URL

Use the following methods to encode portions of the URL:

  • encodeURIComponent: The encodeURIComponent() function encodes a URI by replacing each instance of certain characters with escape sequences.
  • e: An alias to encodeURIComponent to help keep URLs more readable. Can be used like ${e(params.productId)}

Example Values

A few examples of the values of various substitutions.

  • ${headers.get("content-type")} - "application/json"
  • ${host} - "example.com:8080"
  • ${hostname} - "example.com"
  • ${method} - "GET"
  • ${origin} - "https://example.com"
  • ${params.productId} - ":productId"
  • ${pathname} - "/v1/products/:productId"
  • ${port} - "8080"
  • ${protocol} - "https:"
  • ${query.category} - "cars"
  • ${search} - "?category=cars"
  • ${url} - "https://example.com:8080/v1/products/:productId?category=cars"
  • ${env.BASE_URL} - "https://example.com"

Different Backends per Environment

It's common to want to use different backends for your production, staging and preview environments. This can be achieved by using environment variables to specify the origin of the backend.

For example,


Using the rewritePattern in options you can combine the BASE_PATH environment variable, say https://example.com to achieve this.


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