

These instructions assume that you are using custom GitHub Action workflow, in conjunction with the Zuplo Git Integration. If you prefer setting up your own CI/CD for more fine-grained control, please take a look at running your own CI/CD.

Using the Zuplo GitHub integration, tests can be run after a deployment with the Zuplo Git Integration and used to block pull requests from being merged. This can help ensure that changes to your Zuplo gateway won't break your production environment.

The Zuplo Git Integration sets Deployments and Deployment Statuses for any push to a GitHub branch.

Here is a simple GitHub Action that uses the Zuplo CLI to run the tests after the deployment is successful. Notice how the property github.event.deployment_status.environment_url is set to the API_URL environment variable. This is one way you can pass the URL where the preview environment is deployed into your tests.

name: Main
on: [deployment_status]

    name: Test API Gateway
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

      - uses: actions/checkout@v4
      - name: Use Node.js
        uses: actions/setup-node@v4
          node-version-file: ".nvmrc"

      - name: Run Tests
        # Useful properties 'environment', 'state', and 'environment_url'
          API_URL=${{ toJson(github.event.deployment_status.environment_url) }}
          npx zuplo test --endpoint $API_URL

GitHub Branch protection can be set in order to enforce policies on when a Pull Request can be merged. The example below sets the "Zuplo Deployment" and "Test API Gateway" as required status that must pass.

Require status checks

When a developer tries to merge their pull request, they will see that the tests haven't passed and the pull request can't be merged.

Test failure

Writing Tests

Using Node.js 18 and the Zuplo CLI, it's very easy to write tests that make requests to your API using fetch and then validate expectations with expect from chai.

import { describe, it, TestHelper } from "@zuplo/test";
import { expect } from "chai";

describe("API", () => {
  it("should have a body", async () => {
    const response = await fetch(TestHelper.TEST_URL);
    const result = await response.text();
    expect(result).to.equal(JSON.stringify("What zup?"));

Check out our other sample tests to find one that matches your use-case.

Your test files need to be under the tests folder and end with .test.ts to be picked up by the Zuplo CLI.

Tips for writing tests

This section highlights some of the features of the Zuplo CLI that can help you write and structure your tests. Check out our other sample tests to find one that matches your use-case.

Ignoring tests

You can use .ignore and .only to ignore or run only specific test. The full example is at ignore-only.test.ts

import { describe, it } from "@zuplo/test";
import { expect } from "chai";

 * This example how to use ignore and only.
describe("Ignore and only test example", () => {
  it.ignore("This is a failing test but it's been ignored", () => {
    expect(1 + 4).to.equals(6);

  //   it.only("This is the only test that would run if it were not commented out", () => {
  //     expect(1 + 4).to.equals(5);
  //   });

Filtering tests

You can use the CLI to filter tests by name or regex. The full example is at filter.test.ts

import { describe, it } from "@zuplo/test";
import { expect } from "chai";

 * This example shows how to filter the test by the name in the describe() function.
 * You can run `zuplo test --filter '#labelA'`
 * If you want to use regex, you can do `zuplo test --filter '/#label[Aa]/'`
describe("[#labelA #labelB] Addition", () => {
  it("should add positive numbers", () => {
    expect(1 + 4).to.equals(5);

Unit Tests & Mocking


Custom testing can be complicated and is best used only to test your own logic rather than trying to mock large portions of your API Gateway.

It's usually possible to use test frameworks like Mocha and mocking tools like Sinon to unit tests handlers, policies, or other modules. To see an example of how that works see this sample on GitHub:

Do note though that not everything in the Zuplo runtime can be mocked. Additionally, internal implementation changes might cause mocking behavior to change or break without notice. Unlike our public API we don't guarantee that mocking will remain stable between versions.

Generally speaking, if you must write unit tests, it's best to test your logic separately from the Zuplo runtime. For example, write modules and functions that take all the arguments as input and return a result, but don't depend on any Zuplo runtime code.

For example, if you have a function that uses an environment variable and want to unit test it.

Don't do this:

import { environment } from "@zuplo/runtime";

export function myFunction() {
  const myVar = environment.MY_ENV_VAR;
  return `Hello ${myVar}`;

Instead do this:

export function myFunction(myVar: string) {
  return `Hello ${myVar}`;

Then write your test like this:

import { myFunction } from "./myFunction";

describe("myFunction", () => {
  it("should return Hello World", () => {
    expect(myFunction("World")).to.equal("Hello World");


If you are running unit tests in a Node.js environment, you may need to polyfill some globals. Zuplo itself doesn't run on Node.js, but because Zuplo is built on standard API, testing in Node.js is possible.

If you are running on Node.js 20 or later, you can use the webcrypto module to polyfill the crypto global. You must register this polyfill before any Zuplo code runs.

import { webcrypto } from "node:crypto";
if (typeof crypto === "undefined") {
  globalThis.crypto = webcrypto;