Plugins and Logging

Hydrolix / Akamai Traffic Peak Plugin

Enterprise Feature

Custom logging is available as an add-on as part of an enterprise plan. If you would like to purchase this feature, please contact us at or reach out to your account manager.

Most enterprise features can be used in a trial mode for a limited time. Feel free to use enterprise features for development and testing purposes.


This plugin pushes request/response logs to Hydrolix AKA Akamai Traffic Peak.

You can define the fields created in the JSON object by creating a custom type in TypeScript and a function to extract the field data from the Response, ZuploRequest, and ZuploContext.

The plugin is configured in the Runtime Extensions file zuplo.runtime.ts:

This logger includes a default type and function that logs the following fields:

  • deploymentName: string;
  • timestamp: string;
  • requestId: string;
  • routePath: string;
  • operationId: string / undefined;
  • url: string / undefined;
  • statusCode: number / undefined;
  • durationMs: number / undefined;
  • method: string;
  • userSub: string / undefined;
  • instanceId: string / undefined;
  • colo: string / undefined;
  • city: string / undefined;
  • country: string / undefined;
  • continent: string / undefined;
  • latitude: string / undefined;
  • longitude: string / undefined;
  • postalCode: string / undefined;
  • metroCode: string / undefined;
  • region: string / undefined;
  • regionCode: string / undefined;
  • timezone: string / undefined;
  • asn: string / undefined;
  • asOrganization: string / undefined;
  • clientIP: string / undefined;
  • zuploUserAgent: string / undefined;

To use this default setup add the following code to your zuplo.runtime.ts file:

import {
} from "@zuplo/runtime";

  new HydrolixRequestLoggerPlugin<HydrolixDefaultEntry>({
    hostname: "",
    username: "your-hydrolix-username",
    password: environment.HYDROLIX_PASSWORD,
    token: environment.HYDROLIX_TOKEN,
    table: "",
    transform: "your-transform-name",
    generateLogEntry: defaultGenerateHydrolixEntry,

If you want to customize the data written to Hydrolix, you can define the fields and entry generation function yourself as follows:

// The interface that describes the rows
// in the output
interface LogEntry {
  timestamp: string;
  method: string;
  url: string;
  status: number;
  statusText: string;
  sub: string | null;
  contentLength: string | null;

// The function that creates an entry
async function generateLogEntry(response: Response, request: ZuploRequest)
  const entry: LogEntry = {
    timestamp: new Date().toISOString(),
    url: request.url,
    method: request.method,
    status: response.status,
    statusText: response.statusText,
    sub: request.user?.sub ?? null,
    contentLength: request.headers.get("content-length")
  return entry;

    new HydrolixRequestLoggerPlugin<LogEntry>({
      hostname: "",
      username: "your-hydrolix-username",
      password: environment.HYDROLIX_PASSWORD,
      token: environment.HYDROLIX_TOKEN,
      table: "",
      transform: "your-transform-name",
      generateLogEntry: generateLogEntry,
      batchPeriodSeconds: 0.1,

Entries will be batched and sent as an array, they will be sent every batchPeriodSeconds. If not specified the will be dispatched very frequently (~every 10ms) to avoid data loss. Note that batchPeriodSeconds can be specified as a fraction, e.g. 0.1 for every 100ms.