JWT API Authentication Articles and Best Practices
A collection of JWT API Authentication articles, including best practices, guides, and tutorials. Stay updated with the latest in JWT API Authentication.
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JWT API Authentication Frequently Asked Questions
What is JWT API Authentication?
JSON Web Tokens (JWT) are compact tokens used to securely transmit information between parties. They contain claims that can be verified and trusted.
Why use JWT for API Authentication?
JWTs are stateless, eliminating the need for server session storage. They’re also versatile and widely supported, making them ideal for microservices and modern web apps.
What are best practices for implementing JWT Authentication?
Use HTTPS, set appropriate expiration times, store tokens securely (e.g., in HTTP-only cookies), and regularly rotate secret keys to minimize the risk of compromise.
How does JWT compare to OAuth 2.0?
JWT is a token format often used within OAuth 2.0 for authorization. OAuth is a broader framework that manages delegated access, while JWT focuses on token-based security.