Node.js Articles and Best Practices
A collection of Node.js articles, including best practices, guides, and tutorials. Stay updated with the latest in Node.js.

Generate an OpenAPI From Your Database

Building a PostgREST API For Your MySQL Database

Using Neon + PostgREST to Build a Supabase-like Developer Experience

Deprecating Node JS REST APIs in 6 Frameworks
Node.js Frequently Asked Questions
Why is Node.js popular for API Development?
Node.js uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model, making it lightweight and efficient for handling large numbers of concurrent requests—ideal for real-time APIs.
Which frameworks are commonly used in Node.js for APIs?
Popular frameworks include Express.js, Koa, and Fastify. They offer routing, middleware, and plugin ecosystems to streamline API creation and maintenance.
How do I handle asynchronous operations in Node.js APIs?
Use promises or async/await to manage asynchronous flows cleanly. Libraries like Axios or the native fetch API can simplify HTTP requests within your application.
What are some best practices for building scalable Node.js APIs?
Implement clustering or container orchestration, use environment variables for config, add proper logging/monitoring (e.g., Winston, PM2), and handle errors gracefully using middleware.