API Security Articles and Best Practices
A collection of API Security articles, including best practices, guides, and tutorials. Stay updated with the latest in API Security.

12 Practices and Tools to Ensure API Security

Protecting Sensitive Data in API Logs

Mastering XSS Prevention: Tips for Developers

How To Secure APIs from SQL Injection Vulnerabilities

Enhancing Your CI/CD Security: Tips and Techniques to Mitigate Risks

Defending Your API: Essential Strategies Against Brute Force Attacks

5 Key Tips for Enhancing API Security Against DDoS Attacks

8 Essential API Security Best Practices

How RBAC Improves API Permission Management

RBAC Analytics: Key Metrics to Monitor

Elevate Your API Security with Fine-Grained Authorization from Zuplo + OktaFGA
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API Security Frequently Asked Questions
What is API Security?
API Security involves protecting APIs from threats like unauthorized access, data breaches, and DDoS attacks. It includes authentication, encryption, threat detection, and secure design practices.
How do I improve API Security?
Use HTTPS/TLS, robust authentication and authorization protocols, input validation, and logging. Regularly update libraries, scan for vulnerabilities, and follow OWASP’s API Security Top 10.
What role does token-based authentication play in API Security?
Token-based methods like JWT reduce the need for persistent server sessions, lowering the risk of session hijacking and simplifying authentication in microservices architectures.
How can I ensure data privacy in APIs?
Encrypt sensitive data both in transit (TLS/SSL) and at rest. Implement strict role-based access controls (RBAC) and adopt data minimization principles to protect user information.