#Per user rate-limiting using a database and the ZoneCache
In this example we show a more advanced implementation of dynamic rate limiting. It uses a database lookup to get the customer details and combines that with the ZoneCache to improve performance, reduce latency and lower the load on the database.
In this example we use supabase as the database but you could use your own API, Xata, Firebase etc. The implementation will be similar for all.
If you haven't already, check out the rate-limiting policy and the dynamic rate limiting quickstart. Then you should be oriented to how dynamic rate limiting works.
Below is a full implementation of a custom rate limiting function. In our
example this is a module called per-user-rate-limiting.ts
import { CustomRateLimitDetails, ZoneCache, ZuploContext, ZuploRequest, environment, } from "@zuplo/runtime"; import { createClient } from "@supabase/supabase-js"; const CACHE_NAME = "rate-limit-requests-allowed-cache"; const SB_URL = "https://YOUR_SUPABASE_URL.supabase.co"; const SB_SERVICE_ROLE_KEY = environment.SB_SERVICE_ROLE_KEY; const FALLBACK_REQUESTS_ALLOWED = 100; export async function rateLimitKey( request: ZuploRequest, context: ZuploContext, policyName: string, ): Promise<CustomRateLimitDetails> { // We'll get the customer ID from the user data. // This might be from a JWT or API Key metadata const customerId = request.user.data.customerId; // We don't want to hit the database on every request // So we'll use the fast zone cache to cache this data const cache = new ZoneCache(CACHE_NAME, context); let requestsAllowed = await cache.get(customerId); // If we didn't get a value, we'll need to go to the database // In this example we're using supabase, but you could use your // own API, Xata, etc. if (requestsAllowed === undefined) { // create the supabase client and read the customer's const supabase = createClient(SB_URL, SB_SERVICE_ROLE_KEY); let { data, error } = await supabase .from("customer_rate_limits") .select("requestsAllowed") .eq("customerId", customerId); // If something goes wrong, we probably want to log an // error and assume a default, vs go down if (error) { context.log.error(error); requestsAllowed = FALLBACK_REQUESTS_ALLOWED; } else { context.log.info(data); requestsAllowed = data[0].requestsAllowed; } // store the read value in the ZoneCache // do this asynchronously to improve performance cache .put(customerId, requestsAllowed, 60) .catch((err) => context.log.error(err)); } return { key: customerId, requestsAllowed: requestsAllowed, timeWindowMinutes: 1, }; }ts
The above function can be applied to a rate limiter with the following configuration in policies
{ "export": "RateLimitInboundPolicy", "module": "$import(@zuplo/runtime)", "options": { "rateLimitBy": "function", "requestsAllowed": 2, "timeWindowMinutes": 1, "identifier": { "export": "rateLimitKey", "module": "$import(./modules/per-user-rate-limiting)" } } }json