How to Guides

Using the OpenAPI Extension Data in Code

The OpenAPI specification allows for the use of vendor-specific extensions to add custom configuration to the API definition. An example of this is the x-internal extension, which can be used to mark an API as internal and not intended for public use.

This same type of extensibility can be used to add custom data to the OpenAPI file which can then be used inside of your Zuplo API Gateway. This data can be used to configure the behavior of the API Gateway, such as setting up rate limiting, authentication, or other custom behavior.

In this article, we will show you how to use the OpenAPI extension data in your code.

Custom Data in the OpenAPI File

To add custom data to your OpenAPI file, you can use the x- prefix followed by the name of the extension. Add this extension to the operation (for example the get, post, etc. section). For example, to add a custom field called my-custom-config to the OpenAPI file, you would use the following syntax:

  "paths": {
    "/hello": {
      "x-zuplo-path": {
        "pathMode": "open-api"

      "get": {
        "summary": "Hello World",
        "x-my-custom-config": 10,
        "x-zuplo-route": {
          "corsPolicy": "none",
          "handler": {
            "export": "default",
            "module": "$import(./modules/route-data)",
            "options": {}
          "policies": {
            "inbound": []
        "operationId": "8914135b-d7b5-49fc-9e41-a8256a0dcf93"

Using the Custom Data in Code

To use the custom data in your code, you can access it through the ZuploContext object via the route.raw method. The route.raw method returns an object that contains all of the values in the operation.

import { ZuploContext, ZuploRequest } from "@zuplo/runtime";

export default async function (request: ZuploRequest, context: ZuploContext) {
  const routeData = context.route.raw();
  const myCustomConfig = routeData["x-my-custom-config"];

  // Logs "Customer config, 10"
  context.log.debug("Custom config", myCustomConfig);

  return "Hello";