
AWS Cloudwatch Plugin

The AWS Cloudwatch Log plugin enables pushing logs to AWS Cloudwatch.

Enterprise Feature

Custom logging is available as an add-on as part of an enterprise plan. If you would like to purchase this feature, please contact us at sales@zuplo.com or reach out to your account manager.

Most enterprise features can be used in a trial mode for a limited time. Feel free to use enterprise features for development and testing purposes.


To add the AWS Cloudwatch logging plugin to your Zuplo project, add the following code to your zuplo.runtime.ts file. Set the AWS_REGION, AWS_ACCESS _KEY_ID, and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY environment variables to the values of your AWS credentials. You can also customize the logGroupName and the logStreamName as you see fit.

Any custom fields you want to include in the log entry can be added to the fields property. These values will be appended to every log entry.

import {
} from "@zuplo/runtime";

export function runtimeInit(runtime: RuntimeExtensions) {
    new AWSLoggingPlugin({
      region: environment.AWS_REGION,
      accessKeyId: environment.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID,
      secretAccessKey: environment.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY,
      logGroupName: "zuplo",
      logStreamName: "my-stream",
      fields: {
        field1: "value1",
        field2: "value2",

Standard Fields

Every log entry will include the following fields:

  • timestamp - The time the log was created
  • severity - The level of the log, for example ERROR, INFO, etc.
  • data - The log message and data.
  • environmentType - Where the Zuplo API is running. Values are edge, working-copy, or local
  • environmentStage - If the environment is working-copy, preview, or production
  • requestId - The UUID of the request (the value of the zp-rid header)
  • atomicCounter - An atomic number that's used to order logs that have the same timestamp
  • rayId - The network provider identifier (i.e. Cloudflare RayID) of the request