
VMWare Log Insight Log Plugin

The VMWare Log Insight plugin enables pushing logs to your VMWare Log Insights via the REST API.

Enterprise Feature

Custom logging is available as an add-on as part of an enterprise plan. If you would like to purchase this feature, please contact us at sales@zuplo.com or reach out to your account manager.

Most enterprise features can be used in a trial mode for a limited time. Feel free to use enterprise features for development and testing purposes.


Simply set the url option to the value of your Log Insights host (for example https://loginsight.example.com).

Optionally, you can configure additional fields that will be sent with your logs, for example if you want to include an appname field that indicates the name of your Zuplo API, you can do so as shown below. Theses fields will be included on every log entry.

import {
} from "@zuplo/runtime";

export function runtimeInit(runtime: RuntimeExtensions) {
    new VMWareLogInsightLoggingPlugin({
      url: "https://loginsight.example.com",
      fields: {
        appname: "zuplo",

Standard Fields

Every log entry will have a timestamp and a text object. The value of the text object is an JSON encoded array of messages sent in that log entry.

Default fields are:

  • severity - The level of the log, for example ERROR, INFO, etc.
  • request_id - The UUID of the request (the value of the zp-rid header)
  • environment_type - Where the Zuplo API is running. Values are edge, working-copy, or local
  • log_source - The source of the log. Either user or system
  • atomic_counter - An atomic number that's used to order logs that have the same timestamp
  • environment - The environment name of the Zuplo API
  • request_ray_id - The network provider identifier (i.e. Cloudflare RayID) of the request

Log Format

The shape of the logs sent from Zuplo will be in the following format:

  "timestamp": 1696596905883,
  "text": "hello world",
  "fields": [
    { "name": "severity", "content": "INFO" },
      "name": "request_id",
      "content": "709d2491-0703-4ea9-86ea-d2af548cd4d9"
    { "name": "environment_type", "content": "working-copy" },
    { "name": "log_source", "content": "request" },
    { "name": "atomic_counter", "content": 1 }

Example Logs

When objects are logged, they will be converted to a key value string format as shown below.

  "timestamp": 1696603735057,
  "text": "hello=\"hello world\" foo=1 baz=true",
  "fields": [
    { "name": "severity", "content": "INFO" },
      "name": "request_id",
      "content": "709d2491-0703-4ea9-86ea-d2af548cd4d9"
    { "name": "environment_type", "content": "working-copy" },
    { "name": "log_source", "content": "request" },
    { "name": "atomic_counter", "content": 1 }

Errors will be included as fields in the log. The fields are error_name, error_message, and error_stack.

  "timestamp": 1696603735055,
  "text": "Something bad happened",
  "fields": [
    { "name": "severity", "content": "INFO" },
      "name": "request_id",
      "content": "709d2491-0703-4ea9-86ea-d2af548cd4d9"
    { "name": "environment_type", "content": "working-copy" },
    { "name": "log_source", "content": "request" },
    { "name": "atomic_counter", "content": 1 },
    { "name": "error_name", "content": "Error" },
    { "name": "error_message", "content": "This is an error" },
      "name": "error_stack",
      "content": "Error: This is an error\n    at exampleFunction (module/foo.ts:32:21)"